2024 Node.js Statistics: Usage, Trends, and Insights

Posted by: Rin Truong Comments: 0

Looking for the latest Node.js statistics? This guide covers everything you need to know about Node.js usage, trends, and insights for 2024. Learn how Node.js is being used in the real world, and what the future holds for this popular JavaScript runtime environment.

Getting Started with Node.js

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment that enables the development of fast, scalable, server-side, and networking applications. It operates as an asynchronous JavaScript runtime environment, utilizing an event-driven, non-blocking I/O architecture, which makes it highly effective for real-time application development.

NodeJS was first introduced by Ryan Dahl in May 2009, making it approximately 14 years old. In comparison, JavaScript was launched in December 1995, and the Internet was introduced in 1989, making it around 34 years old.


Despite its age, Node.js remains a popular choice among developers and business owners. There are several reasons why it is still a preferred option for backend development in 2024. Let us examine some of the critical factors that set it apart from its competitors and contribute to its success in the market.

  • Many developers and businesses have recently recognized the importance of JavaScript in their web application development. This is due to the emergence of web 2.0 applications like Flicker, YouTube, Facebook, and others, which have paved the way for exceptional user interface experiences on websites.
  • As with other frameworks and technology stacks, their efficiency and effectiveness improve over time. JavaScript follows the same pattern by regularly releasing new updates to enhance its capabilities. Additionally, a substantial community collaborates to provide improved browser support, ensuring an optimal user experience.

The advent of Node.js has marked a pivotal moment in the advancement of web application development. Recent statistics reveal that Node.js empowers approximately 2.1% of recognized web servers, rendering it a substantial preference for numerous websites.

Thus, this encapsulates the entirety of Node.js’ historical significance. Progressing further, let us delve into the overall usage statistics of Node.js.

Node.js Usage Statistics Overview

To understand the growth and adoption of Node.js, let’s examine the following Node.js Statistics from different sources.

  • NodeJs is used by over 6.3 million websites, making it a highly popular tool for web application development in the US.
  • Companies such as Amazon, LinkedIn, and Tumblr have chosen Node.js for their web app development. Netflix and PayPal are also notable examples that have experienced improved performance and cost reduction by adopting the Node.js architecture.
  • Walmart’s website and mobile app attract approximately 80 million users every month. This is because they have made their website more SEO friendly and improved checkout conversions by switching to an HTML-based front-end and utilizing microservices architecture from Node JS.
  • Node.js has become an ideal choice for web apps like eCommerce, crowdfunding, IoT-driven, and payment processing applications due to its significant reduction in loading times (50% to 60%) and development cost (up to 58%).
  • Approximately 36.42% of developers use NodeJS, which includes its frameworks, libraries, tools, and Node js IDEs for modern application development. Additionally, 46% of Node.js developers fall within the age range of 25-35 years old.
  • Node.js downloads are mostly for Linux systems, accounting for 78% of all downloads. Windows accounts for 17% and macOS for 5%.
  • 86% of developers utilize a library or front-end framework, while 95% of Node.js developers employ databases for their project development.
  • 71% of JavaScript experts say that Node.js provides excellent instructional resources, while 85% find the process highly accessible.
  • According to Medium: Node Js reached 1 billion downloads in 2018 and is around 1.4-1.5 billion in 2023, with the number increasing constantly.

The official Node.js Metrics site reports a total of 1,024,716,169 downloads, consisting of 747,019,000 downloads from the site and 277,697,169 downloads from the official Node.js Docker images.

Statistics of Node.js Usage Across Parameters

NodeJS is a popular choice for web application development due to its wide range of features. It is highly favored by business and product owners. Here are some statistics on the usage of Node.js based on different parameters.

Node.js Trends Over Time

The graph provided below depicts the historical trends of Node js statistics, showcasing its usage by websites. The data presented is derived from the dedicated trend survey conducted by W3Techs.


The Market Position of Node.js

The market position of Nodejs in relation to other leading web servers is depicted in the graph provided, reflecting its growing popularity.


Top NodeJS User Industries

According to SimilarTech’s available data, there are approximately 280,239 active websites utilizing Node js, with 121,784 of these websites having unique domains. The top industry verticals that employ Nodejs are Computer Electronics and Technology, accounting for 6.11%, followed by Law and Government at 3.00%, Arts and Entertainment at 2.55%, Finance at 2.51%, and the remaining industries at 85.83%.


Websites Utilizing NodeJS

The graph below illustrates the traffic received by prominent websites such as Twitter, Samsung, Ali Express, and FoxNews, subsequent to the implementation of Node.Js as their primary technical stack.


Industries Utilizing NodeJS

According to the data accessible online and our supplementary investigation, Node.js is notably favored in the following industries: Software Development, which boasts 3923 customers; Web Development, with 3228 customers; and Marketing, with 3389 customers. Additionally, there are other industries that also utilize Node.Js.


Popular Domains Utilizing NodeJS

The websites utilizing Node.Js were discovered across 257 top-level domains. Among the top five NodeJS domains are Commercial, Organization, British Indian Ocean Territory, Germany, and Australia.


Usage Statistics of NodeJS Among Developers

Node.js is widely favored by business owners and developers. The usage statistics of Nodejs among developers are remarkably impressive. To gain a deeper understanding, we can refer to the data provided by the StackOverflow Developer Survey 2023. Node js emerges as the predominant web technology utilized by developers, garnering 42.65% of the votes and reclaiming its position as the most popular and widely adopted technology.

42.73% of experienced developers opt for Nodejs, while 42.44% of beginners or learners choose Nodejs for coding. Additionally, 42.07% of other coders prefer Nodejs for their web application development.


Admiration and Desire for Node.js Implementation

According to the StackOverflow 2023 report, Node js is ranked as the second most admired technology, with Next.js and Vue.js following closely. The accompanying graph illustrates that 64.63% of developers admire Nodejs, while 33.55% express a desire to work with it.


Node.js Developer Preference Statistics

In the StackOverflow Survey 2023, it was found that approximately 19,793 developers have experience with Nodejs and express their desire to continue working with it. This indicates the high preference for Nodejs among developers. Consequently, NodeJS Frameworks have become highly sought-after for web development in 2023.

Furthermore, there is a significant number of developers who have previously worked with different frameworks but now express their interest in working with Node js.

Technology Worked OnNo. of Developers

Regarding developers who possess prior experience with Node js and aspire to explore other frameworks, they are:

Technology Wish To Work OnNo. of Developers

NodeJS Adoption by Company Size

A total of 101,257 organizations with 0 to 9 employees have opted for Node as their preferred choice for web app development, while 29,022 organizations with 10 to 19 employees and 51,542 organizations with 20 to 49 employees have also chosen Node for the same purpose.


Companies Utilizing NodeJS Based on their Revenue

80% of the companies utilizing Node.js have a revenue of less than $50M, while 6% are categorized as medium-sized and 11% are considered large with a revenue exceeding $1000M.


The distribution of Node js usage across countries reveals that the majority of its customers, approximately 39%, are located in the United States. India accounts for a notable 10% of Nodejs users, while the United Kingdom represents 6%. Please refer to the breakdown below for further details.

How to Acquire Node.js Skills

The learning curve and adoption effectiveness of a technical stack directly determine its popularity. Let us examine similar statistics.

Prominent companies such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, and Joyent belong to the Platinum category of the Node JS foundation. These industry leaders are always at the forefront of embracing new technologies and leveraging them by hiring highly skilled programmers.

Around 51% of individuals learning Node js prefer to study it in their native language, and 40% have shown interest in teaching NodeJS to others.

Latin American students who opted to study NodeJS in 2018 experienced improved learning outcomes in other programming languages and frameworks. This factor contributes to the widespread popularity of Node js in Latin America.

Additional Statistics for Node.js

After thoroughly examining the various Node.js Statistics encompassing trends, usage, and other divisions, it is now time to explore the broader segment of general Nodejs usage statistics. This segment plays a significant role in the widespread popularity of Node.js within the market.

  • eBay used Nodejs as its primary backend language.
  • Node.js was the primary backend language utilized by eBay.
  • NodeJS claims that the majority of companies experienced a positive change after implementing it, with only a small percentage of companies reporting no influence.
  • Node js can decrease startup times by around 50-60%, as stated by Hackernoon.
  • Netguru claims that NodeJS is faster than other languages and can enhance performance by up to 50%. Here are a few methods to boost the performance of your Node.Js applications.
  • NodeJS has been integrated into the business strategies of US and Canadian companies, resulting in a 68% increase in developer productivity, according to Netguru.
  • Approximately 62% of Nodejs developers are white or Caucasian, while 18% are Asian.
  • Around 1.4% to 2.22% of websites worldwide use Node js, which amounts to approximately 30 million websites, as per data from various websites.
  • Node JS downloads increase by more than 40% annually.
  • Node JS downloads increase by over 40% every year.
  • The Node developer community prioritizes stability, consistency, and maturity rather than the latest features and updates. As a result, they heavily rely on LTS. Currently, 43% of developers utilize the existing versions, as per the latest statistics.
  • Node.js is a technical stack called MEAN that is used for developing web applications.


This is the comprehensive data collection for the latest and updated Nodejs Statistics based on our research and analysis. Consolidating the complete data is challenging. However, these Nodejs usage statistics justify that Nodejs has a bright future and will remain a market leader in backend development for a long time.

If you are a business owner perplexed by the dilemma of choosing Nodejs for your next project, see how the experts leverage its true potential and partner with a Node.js Development Company like STDIO to maximize your project’s success.

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